We are exactly two weeks in 2021, and what a crazy two weeks it has been so far. I’m hoping 2021 didn’t realize it was supposed to be better and is currently doing some self-reflecting, burned some sage at the new moon last night, and correcting herself. To keep things real, I’m checking in to ...
Yesterday was hard, really hard. This morning I woke up, and for a split second, I forgot all about yesterday, and then it all came crashing back down on me. I didn’t get out of bed until 11 and made myself a big cup of coffee and sat in the silence of the day, hoping ...
This year has been really weird, to say the very least. In January, I was wrapping up tour number two and getting ready for tour number three. Three tours back to back, six months on the road, and I was ready to be home; I didn’t think I realized it was going to be ...
Christmas is just two days away, and 2021 is a short nine days away and with it brings new hope of a better year, more hugs, and actual time spent with family that doesn’t involve a computer screen. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve written anything, and the truth is I feel ...
This morning I woke up to a boatload of emotions. I had a dream that Donald Trump had convinced one of the judges on the Supreme court to retire, and he got to add another judge just under the crooked wire. I was so distraught when I woke up; dreams usually do that to me; ...
In the last two weeks, I’ve been sad, not overly sad, just a nagging sadness deep inside of me. At first, I blamed it on COVID, but that has been going on for so long I dismissed it as being the culprit. Then I had my appendix almost burst and had my first ever surgery ...
Wow! It’s been such a long time since we’ve talked. I haven’t written much of anything since the start of the pandemic, mostly because I require outside stimulus for inspiration and well, let’s be honest, there isn’t a lot of going outside these days. I’ve mostly been reading, cooking, and started a new hobby ...
A few days ago, I looked down at my phone and saw that it was 11:11. That’s supposed to be some sort of sign from the universe, that the universe is looking out for you, or that you should take a minute and reflect on all the things that you are thankful, or some shit ...
Hello my long lost friends, I know I’ve been quiet for a really long time and recycling old posts so that you wouldn’t forget me. So let’s do a little catching up in this ever-growing crazy world we live in now. I have been home from tour for a while now, I’ve caught up on my sleep ...
As I sat in a coffee shop in Worcester, MA, on what is my last day of touring with PJ Masks, I have all the emotions rolling around in my heart and my head. I have been on the road for over two months, and it has been long and hard, but there have also ...
Some mornings you need to find some “me” time, wander off the bus, out of the venue and into the real world. So I put my headphones in my ears, turned on my favorite playlist, pulled up my map app instead of my Uber app, and started walking. Where was I walking to, you might ...
I sat in the quiet production office this morning, and I was sad, and it wasn’t because of my coffee, the coffee I paid for and was ice cold before I even left the hotel. It wasn’t because I was in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and it was 19 degrees outside. It wasn’t even because I ...
I wish we were having coffee today; I could use a half-hour away from touring and connect with an old friend. I know it has been a really long time since we’ve talked. That is what happens when I’m on tour; I don’t have time to have thoughts in my head that don’t revolve around ten ...
I have been back and forth with writing a blog post for a while now, and if you follow my blog with any regularity, you will notice this to be true. I’m afraid this post will be short and uninspiring, sort of to match my mood. To be honest, life is a little busy for ...
I had been driving by this abandoned garage all day delivering groceries when finally, on my last time around, I looked over at the parking lot and saw a pair of shoes. Those abandoned shoes were just sitting there in the middle of the parking lot, all alone. I was so drawn to those silly ...
It seems the last few years the Fall has become a season of transitions for me. I’m not really sure if it has anything to do with the moon, the stars, mercury retrograde or things like that, but I’m sure my friends who know more about that will be happy to tell me, but ...
Ok, so here’s the thing, I wasn’t really expecting the website for my book Frank to be ready last week, but at the last minute, it all came together. But when I was trying to distract myself from how long it was taking, I decided to catch up on Handmaid’s Tale. Let me just say the season finale ...
Summer is over – kids are back in school, at least in the south. In 32 days I will get on a plane, fly to New York City, gather up my cast and head out on tour with Baby Shark (lord help me) I’ll be on the road, I believe until mid-February. I’m aware of ...
Wednesday’s are usually my panic days. It is the day I often wake up and realize that I don’t have a post for Friday. I promised myself on January 1st this year, that I would post something every Friday to my blog, and on most weeks I wake up Wednesday mornings convinced I have no words to ...
As I sat at my usual Starbucks, trying to find the words for this post, I took a minute, sipped my coffee and looked around. The place was packed. Why? It was a Thursday at 11:00, why were all these men here having business meetings? There was a table of six men with blueprints spread ...
One day last week, I was driving past a cemetery when I saw a mail truck turn on its blinker and head into the front entrance. It made me laugh so hard that I followed it. It didn’t even cross my mind that it was delivering mail to the office, no, in my mind, some ...
Yesterday I held my book Frank in my hands, the actual real live book. I say live because this book has taken on a life of its own, it has become a newborn baby and today was delivery day. It’s only the proof copy so you can’t buy it just yet, but when I ...
If we were going to have coffee, I’d tell you it’s July, in the South and we should be sitting by the pool. So we would grab some towels and head to the first floor of my apartment building, where the pool is. It’s a Tuesday afternoon, and all the hipsters that usually take control ...
Last week my husband and I were scheduled to look at a piece of land we were considering buying. We were supposed to meet the realtor at 9:30 am. Now, if you know me, you know when I’m not working I barely get out of bed before 9:30 am, and when I have to, I’m ...
This past month has been a hard month. Not for me so much, but for my daughter. After nine years together and a month before they were to move in together, my daughter’s boyfriend broke up with her. Reason: His version of “It’s not you; it’s me.” So there was some scrambling to find her ...