On the Road Again…

I have been back and forth with writing a blog post for a while now, and if you follow my blog with any regularity, you will notice this to be true. I’m afraid this post will be short and uninspiring, sort of to match my mood. To be honest, life is a little busy for me right now, and I’m having trouble finding inspiration. You see, I leave in less than a week to go back out on tour, while I’m excited to be back with my tour friends, touring for possibly five months has its drawbacks.
It’s always hard for me to leave my chickens and for some reason when I’m touring I am forever gone for their birthdays, a fact my daughter never lets me forget. But this tour I will not only miss their birthdays, but I will also miss my daughter moving into her first house. A house that at almost 27 years old, she bought by herself. I will also be touring without my husband, at least for the first half of the tour, and that is never fun. I will be back on the tour bus with a whole new cast for Baby Shark Live, and that will come with its own set of challenges, (like listening to that freaking song over and over and over again), but I will hopefully be able to see some familiar faces while I’m out on the road.
There are some good things about being on tour, hopefully saying goodbye to the unbearable hot Fall that is Nashville, and of course, the fluff and fold, my most favorite thing about touring. For those of you who don’t know what that is, once a week you drop your dirty clothes off in the Production Office, and they come back at the end of the day, washed and folded! Trust me, it is incredible! I would like to say that never having to cook is another perk, but catering can be hit or miss at times. I will be taking my skateboard with me, and hopefully, I will manage not to break a hip and maybe someday I’ll figure out how to do an Ollie.
But today as I sit on my couch, at home in Nashville, hot coffee in my hand, on what will soon be the last of my quiet mornings for a while, I am in a reflective mood. I am grateful for this life that I have seemingly stumbled upon with all the good and bad. Never would little 12-year-old Gina imagine that her life would look like this at almost 53 years old. I will try to remind 53-year-old Gina that it is a good life, even when she is on time 984 of the Baby Shark song! So go online, find the Baby Shark schedule and see if I’m coming to a city near you. Let me know, and maybe we can grab a coffee or a hug.