I was sitting at my desk, and if you are a regular reader, you know what I was staring at, that fucking blinking cursor, mocking me with every flash. So I distracted myself from that blank page and flashing cursor, which I was sure it was blinking out in morse code, you are a failure, ...
Most days I’m a passenger on the struggle bus, usually right in the front seat. I don’t get up to let anyone take my place, meaning, I usually don’t let people help me. I struggle with who I am, what I want to be, where I’m going and most recently, getting old. I know those ...
I, once again, found myself sitting at my desk staring at the blinking cursor. This self-imposed deadline of one blog post a week might just kill me. I have said it before, there are no more words in my head. I just sat there for a minute staring at that screen with John Mayer’s ...
International Women’s Day has got me thinking about me and how I got here. I can not take the full credit for the woman I am today. I did a lot of work on myself, and I will give myself credit, but I also have to give some credit to the women who have helped me ...
I doubt my writing ability almost every day and the stack of rejection letters I have for my book, certainly doesn’t help matters, but then again, I also tend to doubt myself about everything. I have never really been a person who is overly confident and almost always, I assume people are going to ...
With all the rain Nashville was getting, it was hard for me to be motivated to do anything other than sitting on the couch. However, once again I had that self-imposed deadline of one post a week knocking at the door of my mind, so I put on my rain boots, climbed into my car ...