Help Fund the Poor Urban Educator

When you are a parent and you are raising those small children, usually the first question you ask yourself is, “when am I ever going to sleep again”. The second question usually is, “I hope they grow up to be good, kind adults”. Well, at least that was my thought process.
I am very proud of my children and how they have turned out, but they are always surprising me. Today it was my daughter. I was sitting on the tour bus, coffee in hand, barreling down some highway to another town in California for work and as I sat there with my coffee I was checking Facebook.
That’s when I saw my daughter’s status. Her call for help. Not for herself, but for her 35 high school students. She teaches English at a Nashville Urban High School and has managed to get some kids to read books that have never picked up one before her class.
She has spent her own money buying books for these kids who can’t otherwise afford them. Now, I could get on my soapbox and go into how unfair and wrong it is that we require our teachers to pay for their own supplies, but I’m not going to because we all know that’s crazy!
But instead, I’ve set up an Amazon wishlist as a place where people can donate books to foster this fragile seed of a child’s love to read that my daughter has planted. She has only 2 weeks to get enough books to send these kids on Winter Break with a book in hand. Please give this list a look and do what you can. If you want to donate some of your old books that are just collecting dust, we all have them, contact me at [email protected] for an address to send those.
I know there are a ton of places people can donate this holiday season so we are both appreciative of you thinking of us. If you click here, it will bring you to our “Fund the Poor Urban Educator” book list.
I thank you, my teacher daughter thanks you, and that child reading the best book ever thanks you.