I know I was supposed to be impressed, and I guess I was, but there was no blood in this moon. It was a typical lunar eclipse or at least it looked like that to my tired untrained eyes, with an equally tired dog wondering why we were up before she wanted to be up. ...
I was a single mom for a good part of my kids childhood. I don’t remember a lot of their childhood. It was a long time ago, 23 years ago, and because I was a single mom, working two jobs to make sure we had food on the table. But the one thing I do ...
This morning when I said I was going for a run, I was happy to hear “I’ll come with you!”. That “run” turned into a walk, but I had company, Rob. Today is a home game for the Titians and while that means 100% nothing to me on any given day, today it meant a ...
My aunt asked me that question yesterday. “The question really is, what would Julia do?”. What would she do I wondered? She wouldn’t be in this situation to start, but if she were, she would make the most of it I suppose. From all that I’ve read of her she was a carefree, devil may ...
I had all the right intentions in the world on Saturday. We were going to go out to breakfast, something we haven’t done in over 14 months, and then walk to the Dragon Races downtown. I woke up with great intentions and a great mood, the day, however, end the polar opposite. While we were ...
If running has taught me anything over the years it would have to be, some days are harder than others. Today was a good running day, but a hard life day. Today I struggle with “what’s next” and I find that it’s harder to deal with “what’s next” in 825 square feet with your husband ...
What do these seemingly unrelated cities all have in common? Places where Rob is looking to relocate and when I say, Rob, I mean, Rob and I. Day 3 started out with me wanting to hang pictures and realizing we don’t have a hammer or nails. Who doesn’t own a hammer or nails? My father ...
Day 1 was a fog. I woke up crying at 4:30 am, fell back asleep and woke up for good at 6:30 am with an overwhelming sadness. I suppose I was in mourning for my little shop and my loyal customers (who left me so many kind words, all of which I read at 4:30 ...