It seems the last few years the Fall has become a season of transitions for me. I’m not really sure if it has anything to do with the moon, the stars, mercury retrograde or things like that, but I’m sure my friends who know more about that will be happy to tell me, but ...
Ok, so here’s the thing, I wasn’t really expecting the website for my book Frank to be ready last week, but at the last minute, it all came together. But when I was trying to distract myself from how long it was taking, I decided to catch up on Handmaid’s Tale. Let me just say the season finale ...
Summer is over – kids are back in school, at least in the south. In 32 days I will get on a plane, fly to New York City, gather up my cast and head out on tour with Baby Shark (lord help me) I’ll be on the road, I believe until mid-February. I’m aware of ...
Wednesday’s are usually my panic days. It is the day I often wake up and realize that I don’t have a post for Friday. I promised myself on January 1st this year, that I would post something every Friday to my blog, and on most weeks I wake up Wednesday mornings convinced I have no words to ...
As I sat at my usual Starbucks, trying to find the words for this post, I took a minute, sipped my coffee and looked around. The place was packed. Why? It was a Thursday at 11:00, why were all these men here having business meetings? There was a table of six men with blueprints spread ...