I know Instagram has your most liked nine pictures of 2017, they will put them all together so you can remember the year, post them, and share them with everyone. Heck, I even did it, but I thought I could come up with better pictures than Instagram for 2017. 2017 brought me to so ...
As I sat all alone in the airport hotel waiting for my breakfast, I had some time to reflect on the last three months. When my husband and I talked about this job, I was trying hard to convince him it would be fun. He wanted to stay home, and I wanted to go out ...
As I sat in a cold production office somewhere in Canada, I realized it had been awhile since we’ve sat and had coffee. I looked back at my previous “If We Were Having Coffee – Part Two” and realized it had been almost six months. So much has changed in that six months so I ...
When you are a parent and you are raising those small children, usually the first question you ask yourself is, “when am I ever going to sleep again”. The second question usually is, “I hope they grow up to be good, kind adults”. Well, at least that was my thought process. I am very proud ...