That was the text that had me hyperventilating at 7:00 in the morning. I knew this day was coming for about a month, but never really expected it to get here. My dear friend, also a bakery owner, said to me “will you come and teach us how to make croissants?”. Before I even thought ...
Blessed according to the dictionary means: “Made holy; consecrated. A title preceding the name of a dead person considered to have led a holy life, especially a person formally beatified by the Roman Catholic Church.” Or from it means: “Statements of blessing are a wish for God to restore His favor on others or ...
While running downtown on a gorgeous Spring day, you expect to die a number of ways. Cars being the number one guess, but there are other ways. Crazed, hardcore runners, all but pushing you off the sidewalk into the aforementioned cars. The pollen so thick, you come home choking and covered in yellow dust. The ...
Things I Hate people making fun of the underdog rain people telling me what to do cleaning the house running Things I Love the underdog rain people telling me what to do cleaning the house running I had the idea for this post when someone posted something I found offensive on Facebook. Their response was, ...
As a parent, you usually live your life with one goal in mind, the end. Preschool graduation, Middle School Graduation, High School Graduation, College Graduation and then, the wedding; the End, finish line crossed. You are semi-prepared for the “Empty Nest” syndrome to settle in when they leave for college or into their apartments, but ...
I handed all the cash in my wallet, which was only $2.00, to a lady at the exit ramp and she said “God Bless You”. It got me wondering, would God bless me because I gave a stranger $2.00? I’m not even going to get into the fact that I was urged by something deep ...
Are you who you thought you’d be when you grew up. I was never one of those little girls who dreamt about her wedding day and how many kids she wanted to raise in her little yellow house on the corner with the white picket fence. I never wanted to be a teacher or a ...