First: I am overwhelmed by the number of kind comments on last week’s post “What’s Next?” I can’t even begin to thank all of you who took the time to read it and then even more time to send me sweet notes on Facebook, Instagram, and on the blog itself. You give me hope knowing ...
I was sitting at my desk, and if you are a regular reader, you know what I was staring at, that fucking blinking cursor, mocking me with every flash. So I distracted myself from that blank page and flashing cursor, which I was sure it was blinking out in morse code, you are a failure, ...
Most days I’m a passenger on the struggle bus, usually right in the front seat. I don’t get up to let anyone take my place, meaning, I usually don’t let people help me. I struggle with who I am, what I want to be, where I’m going and most recently, getting old. I know those ...
I, once again, found myself sitting at my desk staring at the blinking cursor. This self-imposed deadline of one blog post a week might just kill me. I have said it before, there are no more words in my head. I just sat there for a minute staring at that screen with John Mayer’s ...
International Women’s Day has got me thinking about me and how I got here. I can not take the full credit for the woman I am today. I did a lot of work on myself, and I will give myself credit, but I also have to give some credit to the women who have helped me ...
I doubt my writing ability almost every day and the stack of rejection letters I have for my book, certainly doesn’t help matters, but then again, I also tend to doubt myself about everything. I have never really been a person who is overly confident and almost always, I assume people are going to ...
With all the rain Nashville was getting, it was hard for me to be motivated to do anything other than sitting on the couch. However, once again I had that self-imposed deadline of one post a week knocking at the door of my mind, so I put on my rain boots, climbed into my car ...
My trip to Cuba was great, and it was everything I wanted it to be and maybe more. I had a hard time even believing we were in a communist country. Don’t get me wrong; there were plenty of visible signs, crumbling buildings that people called home, literally hundreds of people on the side road ...
Writing is a weird thing, well for me it is anyway. It starts as a kernel, almost a tingling in the pit of my stomach, if I ignore it, it will go away, if I sit there and foster it, it will turn into words, then words will turn into paragraphs and then eventually a ...
Two posts in one week that is a little bit of a record, but Friday’s post has been written for a week and just sitting in the cue to be released like usual, Friday morning at 6 am. However, I was sitting here on my couch, Oatmeal mask drying on my old face, looking at ...
When I wrote last week’s post, I was scared. I was scared when I put the words down on paper. I was scared when I hit the word “Publish” on my WordPress page. I was scared when I sent a preview paragraph to my sister, who already knew all the information in that paragraph. I ...
When I landed in Ottumwa Iowa a few weeks ago, all my preconceived notions were pretty much confirmed as soon as I stepped out of the airport. I assumed it would be cold and I expected there would be a lot of nothing. As I climbed into my rental car, I knew I was right ...
It was 2:00 am, and I was in laying bed listening to my husband snore. Snoring so loudly that I was sure there was going to be a phone call at any minute from the front desk. A ring from a phone that would not wake my husband, but I would jolt out ...
If we were having coffee, this time we might have to FaceTime or Skype each other in our own cozy coffee shops because I’ve been on the road for so long. So, I’d settle in some random city coffee place and order a latte in a mug because I planned on being here for a ...
This time of year I always get reflective. I have long ago abandoned the idea of Resolutions and instead, I usually take a few minutes and flip through the photos on my phone. I am always amazed at all the things that have happened in just one year and this year was no different. I ...
This morning I grabbed a hot ham and cheese croissant from my oven, a fresh cup of coffee, and headed to my writing desk. It’s been a really long time since I sat down at that desk, away from the noise of CNN and actually put some words down on “paper”. I had all ...
As I sat in my hotel bed in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, I looked out the window and thought about the last six days I spent in Nashville. It was a rough start with a show being canceled in Sydney, Nova Scotia because of weather, which resulted in flights being canceled, and ultimately resulted in ...
As sat on the bus drinking my coffee, in freezing cold Canada, I was desperately looked around for a box of tissues. It seems all the traveling, time changes, and new schedules has resulted in a head cold. Having a cold on a tour is the absolute worst. There is no sleeping in because you ...
Days off are meant for sleeping in, shaving your legs, spending some time alone, and pretty food. I wandered out of my hotel in Sydney, away from the tourist mob that was Darling Harbour in favor of a tiny cafe on a noise side street that had tables outside, gold silverware and coffee in ...
I wasn’t going to post about my very very long flight from Los Angeles to Sydney in fairness to everyone else who was flying the same route, but to be honest – I don’t know how I couldn’t. You see I was flying First Class from Nashville to Perth on three flights. The first flight was ...
I’m bringing my little blog back from the Dead, resurrecting her for a specific purpose. _________________ Here I am sitting in my seat on this plane and I have two more flights after this Nashville to LA flight. I have Bob Woodward’s book open on my lap, but I can’t stop playing Woody, a highly ...
So, yesterday I started a 40-day detox. Initially my goal, I’m not gonna lie, was to lose a few pounds, but as I was preparing last week, I decided I was going to treat these 40 days as more of a reboot for not only my body but for my mind as well. Surprisingly yesterday ...
Let me paint a picture for you. Yesterday Nashville got its first “snow storm” of the year, it went from 65 degrees to 23 degrees in just 24 hours. The icy winter day turned into an ice and snow filled night. It was windy and cold. I was getting ready for bed, and the ...
I know Instagram has your most liked nine pictures of 2017, they will put them all together so you can remember the year, post them, and share them with everyone. Heck, I even did it, but I thought I could come up with better pictures than Instagram for 2017. 2017 brought me to so ...