Gone Fishing….well not really

This week’s blog post is going to be short and sweet. When I was feeling bad about not having a substantial post this week, I was told, “every post doesn’t have to be an opus”. Summer is here, and this week will consist of a lot of traveling for me. As a matter of fact, as you read these words, I will be driving from Nashville to Arkansas. Alone, with the exception of two audiobooks. I’m heading to Arkansas for my nephew’s high school graduation on Saturday. Then on Sunday, me, my sister and my mom will hop back into my car and drive ten hours to Houston for my niece’s graduation. Then I’ll drive another ten hours home, alone. That is a total of 1,930 miles in little less than a week.
I’m sure all this time in the car by myself and with my mom and sister should produce an overabundance of words. So until next week.
Sounds like fun!! Alone time is always refreshing and renewing. Gives you time to ponder all things past, present and future. Have a great time!! Hugs and kisses for you and the rest of my cousins!! Love you!!