Back from the dead…

I’m bringing my little blog back from the Dead, resurrecting her for a specific purpose.
Here I am sitting in my seat on this plane and I have two more flights after this Nashville to LA flight. I have Bob Woodward’s book open on my lap, but I can’t stop playing Woody, a highly addictive game on my phone. The guy next to me has fallen asleep to some sort of Star Wars movie and I can hear his snoring over John Mayer singing in my ears.
I’m on my way to Australia. Back to work after having done nothing but writing this whole summer. I finished my book and I am now, not so patiently, waiting for some publisher to fall in love with it and decide I’m the next Nicholas Sparks or Mitch Albom. But until that happens, I’ll to take these PJ Masks to Australia for a month. After that, I’ll jump on another tour for a month in Canada and then home to the chickens. Home, where I feel most comfortable. Home, where I never want to leave. Home, where I will cook any kind of food, just to lure my chickens home. Home, that is now 1,500 miles away.
My plan for resurrecting my blog from life support is to provide a travel journal of sorts. For anyone who remembers, I use to publish weekly posts, but hardly anything for months. So, here I sit on my first flight of three to Australia. This trip has forced me WAY outside my comfort zone and I’m not really happy about that. When I’m not working I become a hermit and border on agoraphobic. Some might say “Ease back into society” “Maybe dinner with friends”, but instead I decided to jump out of my apartment and fly around the world, without my faithful travel partner, Rob. This will be the first time I am on one tour while he is on a completely different one and at this moment, with Los Angeles shining on the other side of my window and Mr. Snorer next to me, I’m feeling very apprehensive. My new traveling partner is Will. He introduced me to the airline lounges…now this is something I can seriously get behind! They have showers, Prayer rooms, free drinks, free buffet, comfy chairs, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sit at the gate again!
When I’m feeling apprehensive I write, I bleed all my words right out onto my screen. So here we go, my blog has brushed the priest away giving her the last rites, I blast Justin Timberlake in my ears and feel confident as I get on my next flight. Los Angeles to Sydney. That’s the long one, thankfully I’m flying First Class and I don’t think Mr. Snorer is coming with!
So bring on the kangaroos, koalas, and vegemite. I hope you follow along with me and wish me luck!