Love Trumps Hate

I don’t really have a post today with the tragedy that is Orlando; I just don’t think I have anything meaningful to say. It’s all just too sad, this world full of anger and hate. Many of my friends are gay, and I couldn’t imagine my life without being able to see the amazing things they write or the songs they sing or the way they make me laugh. The sum of them is not who they choose to love, but what amazing humans they are and I am proud of every one of them. They are gifted songwriters, chefs, performers, craftsmen, designers. They are kind, sweet, and funny. Every one of them would give you the shirt off their backs without asking why, cook you a fabulous meal or sing you a song if you were sad. They inspire me, they feed my soul, urge me to be creative and love me for exactly who I am. So thank you, my friends, for allowing me to be part of your worlds and because you are a part of my life, please know my world is a better place. I mourn Orlando right beside you.
Thank you to my dear friend Coury for letting me steal the picture.
Light and Love is what the world needs now
Thank you for the kind words that you speak, we are all mourning this terrible tragedy and senseless act on human life.